Buying Cabinets Comparison: Online vs. Custom-Made

When it comes to choosing cabinets for your kitchen or bathroom, the options can feel overwhelming. Should you buy online, head to a local store, or invest in custom-made cabinets? Each route has its unique benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we'll explain the pros and cons of purchasing cabinets online and custom-made to help you make the best choice for your home renovation project.

We have to admit, we’re a bit biased towards custom, but we hope this is still a helpful resource to you.

Investing in Custom-Made Cabinets


  1. Tailored Fit: Custom-made cabinets for your bathroom or kitchen are designed to fit your space perfectly, maximizing functionality and ensuring a seamless look.

  2. Unlimited Design Options: With custom cabinets, you have complete control over materials, finishes, colors, and configurations, allowing for a truly personalized design.

  3. High-Quality Craftsmanship: Custom cabinets are typically crafted by skilled artisans, resulting in superior quality and durability.

  4. Increased Home Value: Custom cabinets can enhance the overall value of your home, making them a worthwhile investment.


  1. Higher Cost: Custom-made cabinets are usually more expensive than online options due to the bespoke nature and quality craftsmanship involved.

  2. Longer Lead Time: The process of designing, crafting, and installing custom cabinets takes longer than purchasing pre-made options, potentially delaying your renovation.

  3. Limited Availability: Custom cabinet makers may not be readily available in all areas, requiring more effort to find a reputable provider.

  4. Detailed Planning Required: Custom cabinets require careful planning and collaboration with the cabinet maker to ensure your vision is accurately realized.

Buying Cabinets Online


  1. Convenience: Shopping for kitchen or bathroom cabinets online allows you to browse a wide variety of options from the comfort of your home, at any time of day.

  2. Wide Selection: Online stores often have a larger inventory than physical stores, offering diverse styles, materials, and finishes for both kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

  3. Price Comparison: It’s easy to compare prices and find deals online, potentially saving you money on your kitchen or bathroom remodel.

  4. Customer Reviews: Online retailers provide customer reviews and ratings, giving you insight into the quality and performance of the cabinets you're considering.


  1. No Physical Inspection: Buying cabinets online means you can’t see or feel the materials in person before purchasing, which might lead to discrepancies in color, quality, or texture.

  2. Complex Returns: If the cabinets don’t meet your expectations, returning them can be more complicated and costly than returning items to a local store.

  3. Shipping Delays: Online purchases are subject to shipping times and potential delays, which can affect your kitchen or bathroom renovation timeline.

  4. Assembly Required: Many online cabinets come flat-packed and require self-assembly, which can be time-consuming and challenging without proper tools or experience. The finished product may also end up suffering as a result.


Choosing the right cabinets for your kitchen or bathroom depends on your priorities, budget, and timeline. Online shopping offers convenience and variety. Custom-made cabinets offer unmatched personalization and quality but come at a higher cost and require more time. Consider the pros and cons of each option to determine the best fit for your home renovation project.

If you’re also considering buying cabinets in-store, check out another one of our blogs for a comparison of custom vs. pre-made cabinets.

Ready to transform your kitchen or bathroom in Chattanooga with the perfect cabinets? Contact Olive Branch Woodworking to explore our custom cabinet options and start planning your dream renovation today.


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